August 24, 2021
Author: Karl Schoemer
Contributions. That’s what organizations are looking for today – ideas, suggestions, improvements, feedback, results, outcomes, intellect, and performance.
You are paid to contribute, every day, in every way. Do you meet this expectation?
Got an opinion? Share it. Have an idea? Express it. Agree or disagree? Let them know. Think of a better way? Let’s hear it. Believe you can do better? Do it. Learned something new? Give it. See something we don’t? Enlighten us.
Regardless of your role, title, tenure, job description, or comfort level, you are paid to contribute.
It is no longer acceptable to sit through a whole meeting and not say a word. It is no longer acceptable to attend a workshop and not participate.
You are paid to contribute …
You are a capable, intelligent, resourceful adult who does the job. You know what needs to be fixed. You know what can be done better or differently. You know where the cost savings are, where things can improve, where to enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction. The only way this gets from your head to the customer is if you contribute.
How To Make Sure That You’re Contributing: