Virtual Workshops.
Current challenges call for teams and leaders to become more resilient and adaptable. Karl can help bring adaptability to your team through a virtual workshop.
Key messages are delivered in an entertaining yet educational manner designed to create dialog and challenge participants to think.
All participants receive an interactive learning roadmap that allows them to process and record key messages as well as create personal, specific actions.
Enables individuals and your organization to overcome perceived limitations and contribute to sustainable behavior change.
Key messages are delivered in an entertaining yet educational manner designed to create dialog and challenge participants to think.
In our fast-paced global economy, the new expectation is to seize change and make it work for you.This workshop explores the change process, and gives you guidelines and strategies you can use immediately to increase productivity and decrease resistance.
The time for managing change is over. This session reviews, refreshes, and reinforces key messages from The New Reality focusing directly on application. It also delivers New Reality strategies to create a more customer-focused, Change Adaptive culture.
Tapping into the intellect, creativity, and innovation of every associate to create ever better outcomes for customers is a prime responsibility of leaders. This workshop helps leaders redefine expectations, share the right type of communication with associates, and clarify and re-align rewards and consequences.
Most meetings are dysfunctional. This workshop improves dialog, problem solving and outcomes by democratizing problem solving, and decision making. By equipping participants to develop and protect the best ideas in the room, and focus every meeting on customer-centered outcomes, dysfunctional and ineffective meetings become fully functional and powerfully effective.
Team effectiveness doesn't just happen. Authentic teamwork takes learned skills, commitment, trust, shared sense of purpose, and accountability. High Performing Teams develops the insight, practices, and behaviors that help leadership teams excel.
Sustainable behavior change comes from weaving in the vocabulary, performance expectations, behavior definitions, strategies, and tactics of The New Reality into daily life. This series is designed to do just that through a series of modular learning sessions crafted to reinforce and integrate The New Reality over time.
The New Reality Change Roadmap is a strategic illustration of how and why change and change initiatives succeed or fail. It explains the flashpoints of change and how to successfully drive change initiatives to fruition. The New Reality Change Roadmap is an innovative and comprehensive way to exponentially accelerate organizational change.